One-stop shop for 3D Printing and 3D Scanning
3Δ scanning
Do you need to digitize a physical asset or reverse engineer a part ? Look no further.
Use our 3D scanning service to create a digital model in record time either by sending us the part, or by inviting us to visit you.
3Δ printing
Either send us the file you want to print or, ask us to create the 3D file for you.
With the vast network of 3D collaborators we have we can print almost any material, at a competitive price in shortest amount of time.
We can print a vast range of materials:
Carbon Filament
Conductive Filament
Quality Assurance
Do you need the upmost accuracy and quality for your 3D printed parts or 3D scans?
Let our team of engineers handle the burden of professionally curating the digital file before it is sent for printing, and also checking the printed part so that you are 100% sure that you are getting what you asked for.